VELVET Touch Face set of 3
Pack size:1 p
The skin on the face is extremely sensitive and requires gentle treatment during hair removal. Most conventional methods are painful, irritate the skin or have unsatisfactory results, which is completely different from Velvet Touch.
With the new Velvet Touch method you can remove facial hair (e.g. mustache) gently and painlessly. Even the finest hairs can be removed quickly and painlessly in just a few minutes using simple circular movements. Therefore also recommended when traveling and on vacation. Tip: There is the Velvet Touch Body especially for the body, which is shaped like a glove and therefore enables large areas of hair removal. Velvet Touch Face is also available as a refill set without a holder.
VELVET Touch Face set of 3 مجموعة VELVET Touch Face مكونة من 3 قطع
Sensationally easy facial hair removal
pack of 3 holder
Holder with special plates for hair removal
The skin on the face is extremely sensitive and requires gentle treatment when removing hair. Most conventional methods are painful, irritate the skin or have unsatisfactory results, which is completely different from Velvet. With the new Velvet Touch method you can remove hair on your face (e.g. mustache) gently and painlessly. Even the finest hairs can be removed quickly and painlessly in just a few minutes using simple circular movements. Therefore also recommended when traveling and on vacation.
Tip: There is the Velvet Touch Body especially for the body, which is shaped like a glove and therefore enables large areas of hair removal.
Velvet Touch Face is also available as a refill set without a holder.
حامل مع لوحات خاصة لإزالة الشعر
جلد الوجه حساس للغاية ويتطلب معالجة لطيفة عند إزالة الشعر. معظم الطرق التقليدية تكون مؤلمة أو تهيج الجلد أو تكون نتائجها غير مرضية، وهو ما يختلف تماماً عن المخمل. مع طريقة Velvet Touch الجديدة يمكنك إزالة الشعر من وجهك (مثل الشارب) بلطف وبدون ألم. حتى أدق الشعيرات يمكن إزالتها بسرعة وبدون ألم في دقائق معدودة باستخدام حركات دائرية بسيطة. لذلك يوصى به أيضًا عند السفر وفي الإجازة.
نصيحة: يوجد جهاز Velvet Touch Body خصيصًا للجسم، وهو على شكل قفاز وبالتالي يتيح إزالة الشعر على مساحات كبيرة.
يتوفر Velvet Touch Face أيضًا كمجموعة إعادة تعبئة بدون حامل.